I have been bellyaching over my novel, American Zen and the Noise of Fusion, for years now. It doesn't seem right. I feel like it's a good story and if reworked effectively, it can become a great story. I printed out a hardcopy to mark-up, so I'll see how it goes. I am also revising my current collection of poetry, Dragonfly Satori. I will be uploading the revised version soon, so this one will soon be obsolete.
The last couple of days I have been exploring social networks with more attention than usual. It's not because I don't trust social media, it's that I don't really understand it. I know for months I've been getting linkedin requests and haven't even considered how to use it. Pinterest baffled me for a bit, but one day I found a bunch of beautiful pictures and started clicking away. I even used twitter for more than test messages today to praise our women's soccer team for their victory over Columbia.
So, there is news about a possible spoken word collaboration in Second Life between Winston Dufaux and Alexi Ayers. Alexi runs the Singularity Tribe website and sim and she puts together some amazing music collages. If you're ever in Second Life, you can catch a show on Saturday nights at 10 SLT, Second Life Time is the Pacific Time Zone. Here's a glimpse: